Rental Checklist & Agreement
1. Do not drag tables, chairs, or other heavy objects. Take care not to scratch floors.
2. NO nails, staples or tacks of any kind may be used. Facility cannot be altered in any way.
3. Do not adjust thermostat. Heat is set at appropriate temperature.
4. NO property shall be removed from facility for any reason, at any time.
5. Proof of liability insurance must be provided at least 30 days prior to event.
6. In order to receive a refunded deposit:
-Facility must be left clean and orderly.
-All chairs, tables, and other equipment must be returned to storage area.
-Lights must be turned off.
• Violation of these rules can result in termination of rental agreement.
• Refunded deposit will be granted only if rental agreement is honored and within 10 days of completion of the contract.
• Any damage discovered by authorized personnel (during inspection) after the rental period, may result in a non-refunded deposit. If you notice any damage upon entering the facility, please report it to authorized personnel prior to usage of the facility.
• All lost and found items will be donated to charity at the end of each month.
Hold Harmless Agreement
I recognize that the activity I propose to conduct at The Hummingbird Hall involves the risk of injury and by entering into this agreement, I as the person in charge, agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless The Hummingbird Hall, it’s representatives, and/or assignees for injury or property damage suffered by myself or anyone in connection with or incident to the rental of The Hummingbird Hall under this agreement.
By typing your full name and clicking the Submit button, you agree to the stipulations of the Rental Checklist and Agreement and Hold Harmless Agreement